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Electric Assist Tricycles Taking Off

A Growing need/desire for Pedal Assistance with Battery Power is evident at Trailside.Bike and on the Withlacoochee State Trail.

Greg has been busy this season ordering and assembling trikes. Especially busy adding on electric assist/battery power to recumbent tricycles.

Gary is working on a red Catrike Trail without a seat on it. It has a bionx black disc on the hub of the back wheel.


Bionx Electric Assist is being requested by more trike owners and tricycle purchasers at has been seeing a greater interest in the electric assist add-on option on the recumbent trikes it sells this season.  Greg has installed many and several people just starting to ride have decided to go the electric assist way.

One customer said it helps her go the distance with her friends.  She doesn’t use much power until she gets really tired.

Bionx battery powered pedal assist is helping those who are just returning to bicycling after a long absence.  Whether their time off the bike was due to surgery or accident or health or other interests, the little boost from the motor is all it takes to get them zooming down the trail with a big smile on their face.

Use the electric assist to keep up with your faster friends


The Withlacoochee State Trail does not allow motorized vehicles but will allow pedal assist.  The motor is set to top out at 20 mph.  This is probably for safety and to stay withing the rules set for the bicycle trail.

Trailside.Bike has several models available to test ride.

The Trident E-spike is popular and sits higher than some other tricycles for an easy mount and dismount.


What a bargain!! 

A lot of new accessories are in the shop.

Looking in the door of Trailside bike at bike flags and accessories.
Visit “The Comfortable Bike Shop”. We have got lots of recumbent bicycle accessories to choose from.



Stop for a visit on your way down or up the Withlacoochee State Trail or Hwy 41 through Floral City.

Set up an account on our website and you will get news and ride announcements sent to your email.


Watch for the announcement of a May late afternoon ride from the shop to Pine Street Pub in Inverness.

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Second Dog On Good Bike Ride Scheduled – Azub Folding Trike


Fun Worth Repeating!

Thirteen riders gathered and rode from the shop in Floral City, FL to Inverness on March 18th.  An easy 16 miles round trip.   Participants said they would like to do it again, so here we go!

On the Withlacoochee Trail

March 11, 2017

Departing at 10:30 a.m.
8294 E Orange Ave.
Floral City, FL

We will ride the trail to Nobleton and then left on Edgewater to Riverside Oaks Landing ( 29151 Lake Lindsey Rd., Nobleton).  They have Working Cow Ice Cream and a nice place to sit on the Withlacoochee River.  Approximately 19 miles round trip.

Please RSVP to (you can reply to this email) or in store signup


5% off on accessories between 9 and Noon the day of the ride, March 11, 2017.

Fun new selection of bells and flags have arrived at  Come check out the great selection.

The small print:

All kinds of bicycles and tricycles are welcome… it’s an equal opportunity bike ride.
Helmets are recommended; choose not to at your own risk.
All participants ride at their own risk anyway.
Eating ice cream is optional but highly recommended for maximum ride benefit, ride is free, ice cream is not.
All participants must sign a liability waiver
All participants are required to have fun… unless they don’t want to.
The trail can get busy, keep your eyes open for on-coming trikes and bikes.  Be polite, move right.


Trail Repairs Coming!

Sections of the beautiful Withlacoochee Trail have holes and rough spots.  The Rails to Trails of the Withlacoochee just announced that repairs will be done to the trail in the next three months.  They will be closing 1/2 the trail at a time in the section they are working on so that bikers can still pass through.

Ride for the health of it!

We hear it from our customers often.  They get a bike or trike they love, they ride and feel better, move better, or lose weight.  One of our customers bought a trike.  She returned recently to let us know that just by riding it she was able to lose some pounds that she could not lose by dieting alone.  Congratulations!

This young couple stopped at our shop on the day they were riding 82 miles to celebrate his 82nd birthday.   Congratulations!

Ride your age


Folding AZUB

Folding an Azub Tricon

Save your legs!

When you tricycle, CLIP IN or Use Franken Pedals

Tricycle Pedals

The Franken Pedals can be used with or without the toe strap.  These are popular among the trike riders that prefer not to clip onto their pedals.

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Dog on Good Bike Ride

On the Withlacoochee Trail

February 18, 2017

Departing at 10:30 from

8294 E Orange Ave.

Floral City, FL


We will ride the trail to Inverness and then jog over to the ICE CREAM DOCTOR.  Approximately 16 miles round trip.

Please RSVP to or in store signup with:


Phone number

How many


Arrive before 10 a.m. and receive a $5 coupon on any in-store purchase totaling $25 or more.  Good to the end of February.


The small print:

  • Helmets are recommended; choose not to at your own risk
  • All participants ride at their own risk anyway.
  • Eating ice cream is optional but highly recommended for maximum ride benefit, ride is free, ice cream is not.
  • All participants must sign a liability waiver
  • All participants are required to have fun… unless they don’t want to.
  • The trail can get busy, keep your eyes open for on-coming trikes and bikes.  Be polite, move right.
