A Growing need/desire for Pedal Assistance with Battery Power is evident at Trailside.Bike and on the Withlacoochee State Trail.
Greg has been busy this season ordering and assembling trikes. Especially busy adding on electric assist/battery power to recumbent tricycles.

Trailside.bike has been seeing a greater interest in the electric assist add-on option on the recumbent trikes it sells this season. Greg has installed many and several people just starting to ride have decided to go the electric assist way.
One customer said it helps her go the distance with her friends. She doesn’t use much power until she gets really tired.
Bionx battery powered pedal assist is helping those who are just returning to bicycling after a long absence. Whether their time off the bike was due to surgery or accident or health or other interests, the little boost from the motor is all it takes to get them zooming down the trail with a big smile on their face.

The Withlacoochee State Trail does not allow motorized vehicles but will allow pedal assist. The motor is set to top out at 20 mph. This is probably for safety and to stay withing the rules set for the bicycle trail.
Trailside.Bike has several models available to test ride.
The Trident E-spike is popular and sits higher than some other tricycles for an easy mount and dismount.
What a bargain!!
A lot of new accessories are in the shop.

Stop for a visit on your way down or up the Withlacoochee State Trail or Hwy 41 through Floral City.
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Watch for the announcement of a May late afternoon ride from the shop to Pine Street Pub in Inverness.